
Use the power of storytelling in your next direct mail appeal letter


If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that technology truly seems to hold this world together. Where would countless businesses be without Zoom meetings, or schools without the ability to introduce virtual learning? But regardless of how heavily we rely on technology, one thing is for certain, when it comes to non-profit fundraising campaigns, direct mail appeal letters are a big part of the picture. And in many ways, this year’s holiday direct mail appeal campaign is more important than ever.

That’s because all those virtual meetings have also meant virtual fundraising events; events that used to bring people together for a shared fundraising experience. While virtual events have raised funds for many organizations, most say it hasn’t been the same. Without these signature events, many annual fundraising goals are coming up short and there’s the worry of being forgotten.

All of us need a little reminding in life, and your donors are no different. In the busyness of the everyday, favourite charities can accidentally become an afterthought, especially without a save the date event to mark on a calendar. 

Why a direct mail appeal campaign?

A direct mail appeal campaign is the best way to remind donors that you are still here, you are still active in the community, and you still need their help. 

But helping people remember your cause is just half the battle; supporters want to know who you are helping, not just how many people you are helping or what you are doing to help them. Your direct mail appeal letter needs to tell a story.

Donors make decisions on an emotional level so to get the response rate you want, you need to reach them by pulling on their heartstrings to compel them to act. 

Here’s an example of a direct mail appeal letter we wrote in 2019 that garnered a response rate 20% higher than the previous years’ letters (in which the author didn’t prominently feature a compelling story).

Could you imagine being 9 months pregnant on the day of your high school graduation? When [_] graduated high school she was 17 years old and just a few weeks away from giving birth to her daughter, [_]. But even with her high school diploma in hand, [_] quickly realized that she needed more to help her achieve her career goals and provide for her child.

“When my daughter was born I had finished high school, but I didn’t have the prerequisites required for nursing, which is what I thought I had wanted to do,” says [_].

Every young pregnant woman and mother who comes through [_]’s doors wants to create a brighter future for themselves and their children, but the majority of them have never had a job, and they need support to achieve their career goals and gain financial stability. It’s for women like [_] that we created [_] Employment and Career Readiness program, and it’s because of generous donors like you that we are able to help guide them towards career success, which will allow them to provide better support for their families. 

Notice how, rather than starting by thanking donors for their previous donations, as many direct mail appeal letters do, this one leapt right into the story to paint a real picture of who this organization serves. 

“I got to learn important skills in retail work, customer service, resume writing and interview skills,” says [_]. “My overall personality has completely changed, thanks to the Employment and Career Readiness program and the staff at [_]. Many of the skills I learned were transferable to everyday interactions, and they helped me with my communication skills at networking events. I feel more confident, and I put myself out there to new and different opportunities for my career that I never would have in the past.”

Today, [_] is studying for her Bachelor of Commerce with honours in Culinary Management. “Thanks to the Employment and Career Readiness program, so many more doors are open to me now, and I’m on my way towards providing a better future for myself and [_],” says [_].

[_] is just one of the 41 inspiring young women who have taken part in the program since it launched in 2015 and went on to find success in their first jobs or post-secondary education.

But the continued success of this incredible program needs your help. 

This holiday season, your personal gift will help more families like [_] and [_].

After telling our hero’s story, the letter goes on to show the impact the program has had on a larger scale and how that directly relates to the donation the reader has made in the past and will (hopefully) make again.

Our next blog will focus on that all-important call to action. Want to raise more money with your direct mail letter his holiday season? Get in touch and we’ll help you tell your story.