
Calls to action: 5 ways to ask your community to donate

In our last blog post, we wrote about how donors make decisions on an emotional level and how using the art of storytelling in a direct mail appeal letter compels them to act. With year-end fundraising just around the corner, we’re taking an even deeper dive into what makes an effective direct mail fundraising campaign by looking at the many, many ways to ask for money.

The call to action (CTA) you choose to use in your direct mail fundraising campaign is just as important as the story you choose to tell. The story pulls on heartstrings; a specific and targeted call to action inspires donors and encourages them to donate.

When it comes to direct mail, don’t be shy; your CTA needs to ask for exactly what you want. 

Do the work so your reader doesn’t have to. Asking for specific amounts makes the decision to donate easier. It can also help to offer donors three donation options as actual amounts in the CTA removes indecision on how much to give. Here’s an example:

Will you join [_] and make a gift today? Your donation of $100, $60, $40 or whatever you can this holiday season will help ensure everyone can live well and work well, today and in the future.

Pro tip: If giving options, lead with the higher amount. Studies have found that donors who dismiss the higher amount as ‘too much’ will also dismiss the lower amount as ‘not wanting to seem cheap’ and will therefore land in the middle. Leading with the lower amount often results in getting what you asked for.

Ask for what you need. Donors like to know exactly where their money is going. If you’re looking to boost revenues towards a specific program or big-ticket item, say so and ask for it. 

We still need to raise more money to complete our new home. Help us finish the renovations.

Create a menu. Show readers exactly what can be accomplished with different gift levels.

A donation of $22 can provide 42 packets of life-saving peanut-based food supplement to 14 children suffering from malnutrition. A donation of $62 can help 135 children purify their water, stay clean with bars of soap, and reduce the risk of waterborne illnesses.

State the urgency. If your ask is urgent, say so to motivate action. But remember, you can’t fake this one, the situation must be real.

COVID-19 is a complete shift in how we do business right now and it’s impacting our bottom line. We need money, plain and simple. To make a secure online donation, please visit our donation page.

Convert one-time donors to sustainers. If your direct mail letter is being mailed to regular one-time donors, consider a CTA that asks them to one-up their commitment to your organization by becoming a monthly donor. 

The need for your support is greater than ever. If you can, make an even bigger impact by becoming a monthly donor and help us expand our programs to more individuals and families. As a regular monthly supporter, your generosity provides critical and consistent funding towards our daily efforts.

Remember, when it comes to CTAs, your goal is to make it as easy as possible for your supporters to take action. The more convincing and specific you are, the more inspired donors will be.

Want to raise more money with your direct mail letter this holiday season? We’ll help you write an inspiring story with a compelling call to action. Get in touch today.