
Use website copy to build strong connections

Personal branding is more than about marketing, it’s about standing for yourself and your business to command respect and confidence. When done right, it creates a brand identity for your small business and helps you stand out from the competition.

Here at Luminate, when we’re not supporting non-profit organizations with their donor communications and fundraising efforts, we’re working with small business owners whose own personal values are the backbone of their business.

In other words, they are their business and their business is them. Their personal brand — their ‘raison d’être’ — is what they use to build trust with potential clients from a very first website visit.

Here’s an example. There are more than 55,000 realtors in the City of Toronto alone, so how does one stand out? By getting personal and telling a good story. We worked with this realtor to write content that reflected her personal values so that visitors would feel a connection to her before they even meet.

When it comes to the reason for getting personal, it’s the same as why most people want to choose a doctor with good bedside manner. A doctor who makes you feel at ease is usually rather well-liked, and a website that makes you feel at ease, connects.

Here’s an example. This periodontist wanted potential clients to see him for who he was, not just as a dreaded place to go. The content we wrote showcased his personality and his compassion, building trust from the start.

A personal brand doesn’t just have to be about a person and the service they offer — it can also be a product, when the reasons behind that product are deeply personal.

Here’s an example. You can buy dog toys and treats anywhere so why should a customer choose this brand? This website paints a picture to show that it isn’t about the toys or the treats, but about a dog owner’s love for their pet.

Your website is your digital salesperson, and when you showcase your why, rather than your what, potential clients will connect with you on a much more personal level and be inspired to work with you or buy from you.