Getting your headshot done? 5 tips to help you look your best
© 2022 Stephen Caissie Photo
For most professionals, getting headshots done is a must. And for many professionals, it is also something they dread — mainly because they feel they don’t look good in pictures. But working with a professional photographer is a very different experience than asking a friend to snap a shot with a smartphone.
And, the end results are very different too.
With a little help from Stephen Caissie, owner of Stephen Caissie Photo and Luminate’s trusted photography partner, we put together a practical list to help you prepare for a photo shoot.
1) Have your hair and makeup done (and even men should wear foundation). You may do a great job every day on your own hair and makeup but on the day of a photo shoot, it needs to be better than great. A professional will see every tiny detail — a fleck of dried skin on your nose or an eyebrow hair that is out of place — and make sure it is perfect. Also, regardless of whether you normally wear makeup, wearing foundation for a photo shoot is a wonderful thing. For both women and men, it evens out skin tone, hides the parts of your nose and chin that often look redder, and looks great on camera.
2) Plan for more than one outfit. Having choice on the day of the photo shoot allows your photographer to weigh in with an opinion as to what would look best on camera. Stripes or patterns aren’t as much of an issue as they once were, as today’s camera software is sophisticated enough to counteract any interference the designs may have once caused, but it’s always good to have one safe choice, just in case.
3) Always use a lint roller. If you have a pet at home, you will have pet hair on you even when you think you’ve gotten it all. If you don’t have a pet, you will still have dust or fibres on your clothes.
4) If you wear glasses…be aware that your photographer may ask you to tilt your head in ways that don’t necessarily feel natural in order to eliminate the chances of light reflecting off of them. If you can, wear contacts or remove your glasses during the shoot.
5) Brush your teeth. The last thing you want to see is a peppercorn or piece of blueberry stuck between your teeth.
Finally, on the day of the photo shoot, don’t be afraid to have a little fun, says Stephen. Go ahead and take the safe, easy shots, but show off your authentic self as well. “For a few minutes, act like Derek Zoolander, if that’s who you are. Sometimes those photos end up being far better than the still, stiff, formal shots.”
Stephen Caissie is the owner and primary photographer of Stephen Caissie Photo. Follow him on Instagram to see his latest work.