
Why your business needs a business blog


As a small business owner, an important part of your marketing strategy needs to be a business blog on your website. Some may argue that blogs are irrelevant in today’s social media marketing environment, but the opposite is actually true—a business blog is even more relevant as a driver for your online content marketing strategy (amongst other things).

Having a business blog is good for your business and good for your clients (and don’t forget about those all-important potential clients!). Previously, we wrote about why a non-profit website needs a blog; now here’s why your small business website needs a blog:

Fuels your content marketing strategy. Every time you post a blog on your website, you have fresh new material to share on your company’s social channels. A single blog post shared today could bring in new leads for weeks.

Boosts your SEO. Google loves new content. Google loves high-quality content. Posting regular blog posts keeps your site fresh and gives you yet another page for webpage indexing, which increases your chances of being found through organic searches. (And to really boost your results, bring on an SEO expert. But remember, while it’s important to know your keywords, don’t just write for your keywords, write for your reader.)

Positions yourself as an industry leader. You’re good at what you do and you bring a lot of knowledge and credibility to the table. Every blog you publish showcases that expertise and helps position you and your business as a leader in your field and someone that clients want to work with.

Provides your clients with useful information. The expertise and knowledge you share is of great value to your clients (and potential clients). By writing and publishing a blog, you’re giving them the information they need. Don’t think of it as giving away free information, think of it as generating and maintaining leads. 

Generates new leads. Almost every blog (some might argue that it should be every blog) should have a call to action that converts visitors to leads. That call to action can be something as simple as enticing clients to contact you.

Now, we’ll let you in on a little secret about business blogging. We know that as business owners, it’s not always easy to do. The benefits are clear, but the idea of finding the time to write and publish blogs on a regular basis sends many business owners running away screaming. That’s why we offer ghost blogging for business owners. The process is simple and the effort you need to put in is minimal. Ask us about blogging packages.*

*See how we snuck in that call to action. 🙂