
Websites that get clients calling


Your business’s website is as important as the sign on the front door. In fact, some may argue that in today’s digital world, it’s even more important than a sign— because it’s often the first point of contact for potential clients.

“A consumer could choose to go with dozens of other businesses over yours. If there’s information they need that they’re not getting from your website, or they just don’t like the look and feel of it, they’ll go somewhere else,” says Katy Jonker, Owner of Kosmic Creative. “You want your visitors to have a positive first impression of your business.”

Here at Luminate, we write a lot of websites for small business owners. Before writing copy for each page, we focus on understanding their content needs and how they want to speak to their audience. What we don’t do is design websites. We leave that to our web design partners, like Kosmic Creative. 

What does your website need in order to make it great? We asked Katy for advice.

1) Mobile friendly, responsive design

Similar to one of our previous posts, Five signs it’s time to update your website, websites today are more often viewed on mobile devices than desktops. A mobile friendly, responsive design gives customers a better experience. Site navigation is intuitive regardless of the device used to view it and text is just as easy to read on a small screen as a large one.

2) Professional design

While there are DIY options out there, it’s worth spending the money to hire a professional web developer. A designer is up-to-date on current trends, knows what needs to be ‘above the fold’ (the space at the top of the screen that viewers see before scrolling down), and knows what your website needs to feel fresh, organized and clean. A professional design with clear calls to action will bring in business.

3) Testimonials

When it comes to your business, past clients are an extension of your marketing team. It’s one thing for you, the business owner, to write positive words about your products or services. It’s another thing for a client to write an unbiased opinion about their experience with your business. (With the increased emphasis on video these days, video testimonials are even better!) When people say great things about your business, it breeds trust amongst new clients.

4) Chatbot

Having a communication platform embedded on your site allows customers to talk with you in real time. This instant communication establishes the beginning of your relationship, and increases your chance of successfully closing a deal. 

5) Trust symbols

Like testimonials, logos of well known companies who have trusted your business showcased on your website gives potential clients another good reason to trust you. Same goes for accreditations and certifications; these badges are proof that you know what you’re talking about. Also note: it’s important to have an SSL certificate (shown as a padlock on your search bar) on your website as clients place a higher value of trust on secure websites.

6) Clear and concise copy

While design is important, the content on your website is king. It’s what encourages visitors to stick around, and helps them understand who you are, what you do, why you do it, and why it’s relevant to them. A visitor who doesn’t understand what they’re reading, and why they need to be reading it, will simply leave. Website content must be relevant, purposeful, and compelling— without clutter or verbal fluff.

Katy Jonker is the Owner of Kosmic Creative, a web and graphic design company that makes business owners shine.